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Pendleside Hospice film dingbats

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poodledoo | 17:44 Tue 10th Jul 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
still no answer for no25) DR

and is the answer to no 27) "Gone with the wind", or is the film title more difficult than that?


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I am so tempted to just say it is more difficult than that but do you want an answer - lol
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yes please,to both no 25&27 if possible.
Sorry dont know 25 - wish I did

My son says (see I take no credit) 27 is silent movie and I liked it
sorry to keep you in suspense
How about "Blown Away"?
Question Author
Thank you both for your answers. How on earth do I choose between them? Is there actually a film called "Silent Movie" or is it just a type of film? Maybe I should have stuck with the film title "Gone with the Wind" after all!

Wish I knew why the top bit keeps slipping when I post the clue to no. 25! DR
Surely somebody must have the answer1
Mel Brooks 1976 look on imdb

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Pendleside Hospice film dingbats

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