There are 3 items for sale.To make it easier let's say they are crayons! Blue crayons are �1 each. Red crayons are �1 for 5. Green crayons are �1 for 20. You have to spend a total of �100 and buy a total of �100 crayons. You must purchase a least once from each colour group, and you can't split amounts up, eg: 10 green crayons for 50p isn't allowed!
My friend gave me this puzzle last night ans she couldn't do it. She won't get the answer till tomorrow, so when I know i'll let you all know!!!
Can you check the numbers, because if you buy 1 lot of each you get 26 crayons for �3 - leaving 74 more to be bought for �97, but the most expensive are blue (74 for �74). So how is it possible?
Those were the numbers i was given, my friend was very exact.
And yes it's �100 and 100 crayons.
I'm starting to think it's a trick question, but I still can't figure out what the answer could be!!! Grrrrrr
SORRY!! I made a mistake,
Blue crayons are �1 each.
Red crayons are �5 for 1
Green crayons are �1 for 20.
yes you have to buy 100 crayons, and have to spend exactly �100.
It is impossible! Suppose you spend �x on blue crayons, �y on red and �z on green, then you will have (x + 5y + 20z) crayons and they will have cost you �(x + y + z).
You want x + 5y + 20z = 100 Equation (1)
And also x + y + z = 100 Equation (2)
kettledrum Time was on my side as I already had the simultaneous equations for the erroneous problem. They only needed tweaking before the solution drops out!