Hi there, i need a suggestion, I've just finished the H two O which I really enjoyed and I also did the Fully booked and Animals from the same charity, I need something else sort of general knowledgey bit of cryptic stuff, any suggestions please of where too look, I have done a search for new quiz before you all tell me off but they seem to have closed a few weeks ago I can't find any current ones !! thanks in advance
Wragby B is all questions where anwers start with B - closing date 7th october - that is on this site somewhere but can give you details - it is mainly GK
New shoots only 30p seaside related and then always a follow on
or for a real challenge
the new macmillan quiz - cost �7 but it is a real mixture
and that was on here in last few days
Pauline will of course pop up in a bit and tell you about her dragonfly quiz
Want more details get back to me
there are still lots on here with closing dates in september
Cransley Hospice Occupation Quiz �1 + sae cheques payable to L Wright 66 Severn Way Kettering Northants NN16 9HN c/date 12th October Mixed clues
Also by e-mail thewrightway@supanet.com with payment on return xx
thanks so much sounds fab, Pauline I have already seen and sent for yours, although it looks a bit beyond me but alwasy willing to try, I have the Macmillan one if it's the HtwoO one and the Wragby B one and the seaside one I can't find anywhere, the search brings up stuff from march and april I can't seem to locate anything more recent, any address or email would be useful for these if anyone has them
thanks again
We have a new quiz if your interested. in aid of LavenderTrust Breast Cancer Care �1 entry Answers Colours etc
Closing date 27th November Send �1 + SAE to
Diane 3 lark rise hardwick cambs cb23 7xz
A new quiz is available to raise funds for lighting replacement in our lovely village Church in Lincolnshire. It has a colour theme, 40 clues to answer, a prize of �25, & a closing date of 29th March, 2008.
Copies are available for �1.00 each by sending the fee (either a �1 coin or a cheque made payable to St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild) and a large stamped self-addressed envelope to:-
3 Church Street
Deeping St. James
PE6 8HF.
Many thanks to all those who have already responded.
Hi ABers! Another big 'thank you' to all those who have bought quiz sheets from me and still the letters & cheques keep coming in. I hope you are all enjoying working on the Colour Quiz. Jill