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rogersbean | 20:42 Mon 03rd Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
1a 4's partner sobbed uncontrollably when cut by heartless kevin(8) 8a stop prisoner bandaging a burn(8) 9a handcuff one arrested by detective hero(5) 13a soar off around five in the afternoons in sydney?(5) 2d hot dog served without starter and laid out(9) 4d handles severe criticism inside bachelor pads(11) 6d close to school, pull in master(5)


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1a bedknobs (anag sobbed + Kn (heartless Kevin)
4d Broomsticks (tick inside Bachelor's rooms)
9a chain - i inside (Charlie) Chan
6d learn - close to school = l + pull in = earn
13a arvos (Australian for afternoons) - anag soar + V
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do you have any letters for the other 2?
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2d d---d-v-l i think this is daredevil although i can't work ouy why.8a c---l-o-
8a carillon (an organ stop) - prisoner = con around a rill (a burn)
-- answer removed --
hot dog = daredevil - anagram of (s) erved + laid

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