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cancer league 1st sept issue

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caron musson | 12:37 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
celebrity squares 1 - 14 downwards reveals a actor.5 letters in each row
1) big and important ?
2) stage of development ?
3) ticket ?
4) be afraid of = DREAD
5) bet ? ( wager ?)
6) regal? ( royal ?)
7) lubricated = oiled
8) regulations ( rules ?)
9) candid ? ( blunt ?)
10) wash out = rinse
11) very pale ? ( ashen ?)
12 ) practical joke = PRANK
13 ) commerce ? ( sales?)
14 ) heart beat? ( pulse ?)
any help greatly apreciated caron


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What are you asking for? Which column spells the actor?
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oh im sorry !!
there are 14 rows across and 5 down
it's the 3rd column down reads a actors name
Question Author
the third column reading across 14 letters actors name
Try Jake Gyllenhall... (major, phase, token...)
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bless you !!!
I thought you had forgotten about me !
thanks ever so

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cancer league 1st sept issue

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