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Grahams cryptic places quiz

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macker7170 | 16:03 Wed 26th Sep 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
can you help with these?

1. set fire to
2. cooking fat
3. where batman buys his outfit
4. are you able to
5. have you met that woman
6. not false
7. you are a bloke
8. purchase neckwear
9. tying up pig meat
10. python film
11. type of music

many thanks


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1. burnham ?
3. cape town
4. Cannes
9. Nottingham
8 - Thailand? (Tie land)
4 may be Kenya (can you) as in
"kenya" count to a million?
2 - Greece?
5 Genoa (?) (D'yer know 'er)
10 Montevideo
7 Uruguay (?)
7 - Uruguay (yo uare a guy)
6 - Israel
11. Bali? (ballet)
5. Heather (Leics)
1. Bern
2. Greece
3. Cape town
4. Kenya
5. ???
6. Israel
7. Uruguay
8. Tai Pei
9. Nottingham
10. Montevideo
11. Seoul

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Grahams cryptic places quiz

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