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s. t.-s where was i? 21 oct 07

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LeoMunro | 15:08 Sun 21st Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Can I help anyone with this week�s two answers? (!)

Love to all,



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Thanks for your offer Leo, but if anyone has seen the post 13.37 post by maxi2, he/she has pointed out that the answer is in the paper!

I've just checked and sure enough it's printed on the bottom of page 2 of the travel section and is said to be last week's answers.

If I'd have known that, I'd have looked it up rather than spend the last 30 minutes scratching my head!
For those who don't have the paper could you enlighten us with the answers you have Thanks
Sorry Bordeaux, I should have realised that not everyone had the answers.

1. Attingham Park
2. Viroconium Cornoviorum

Bearing in mind that they've unintentionally released the answers, don't be surprised if they void this week's competition. Still, it's worth a try.
Question Author

I found thr two answers this morning thru' Google then Sunday Times Online Travel then Where Was I? Competition - under "last week.".

(The newspaper doesnt get here to Reykjav�k until tomorrow afternoon.)

Good luck with your entry.


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s. t.-s where was i? 21 oct 07

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