Does anyone else have this problem. I always send a stamped addressed envelope with my quizzes so that I can see the answers. I never expect to win, but it is nice to see where you have gone wrong at times. I have at least four quizzes posted off in the last few months - all well passed their closing date now, but I have never had a response. Is it just me!
No, it's not just you, obsessed. It has happened to me on occasions, though not often.
If you took part in the Wragby Swimming Club "B People" Quiz, then you should have your sheet returned by now (or if not, VERY soon). They've all been sent off.
Hi obsessed. I've got a couple that closed at the end of September for which I'm still awaiting a copy of the answers (Spinney Nursing Home and Shoebox Scheme), however with the postal disputes I'm assuming that they are still being held up with that. Apart from that I think I have received them all back from the past few months, although having said that I never did get them back from the St Erth Twinning or Brinsley Hall Quizzes from April and June respectively.
Just for the record...The Dragonfly Quiz's closing date is Monday 29th October. I have all sheets with sae for answers at the ready. This is the first Quiz I have organised (which Crofter compiled!!) and so I hope I do not let anybody down. I also intend sending an explanation sheet of the answers to those who asked for their sheets to be returned. I will try to process them as quickly as I can, as I have had a lot of returns bear with me, but I intend to publish results and retuen sheets as soon as I possibly can.
Everybody has been so supportive of the Quiz, so many thanks...and you will definitely hear from me.
Thank you all for your replies. The 2 "magyar" mentioned were 2 of the ones I did not hear about. To Big Jenny I did not do the Wragby "B" quiz but I have sent off yesterday for the most recent one. I don't live far from Wragby and I was tempted to drop it through the letter box on my way to Lincoln so I shall look forward to that one. I don't do as many quizzes as some of the AB's but sometimes it is nice to get answers especially when you have struggled with them.