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weekend cryptic crossword

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twiglet3 | 22:03 Tue 30th Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
5a- livery

7d- type garden loaf, currant bun



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5a hepatic?
Question Author
if that was the answer then the other clue would be

Looks like teacake, but can't justify it!
Question Author
hmmm yes perhaps it is teacake. Thankyou both, Il have a think about that.
'type garden' seems to be a reference to a Japanese tea garden ....

Two of the best examples in the UK being -
the Orchard, Grantchester
The Japanese garden at Le Manoir aux Quat� Saisons is in the style of a Chaniwa (Tea gardens)

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weekend cryptic crossword

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