Why is it that 'quizzes' are causing so much 'fury'?
Every week all of the harder questions are answered for many xword puzzles e.g the Sunday Express .... with a prize of �1,000 .....
Yet there is fury over answers being given to quizzes, eg Money Matters .... top prize �40.
So, the fury is not related to 'money'.
Some judgemental point? ....
A person hasn't tried hard enough?
Irksome because A has put effort in while B just aske
s and is answered by C?
If you are going to give the answers, then does it make any difference to wait until nearer the final entry date?
What do AB want? ..... a successful site that increases in value = increased site activity / clicks onto adverts etc.
What benefits a charity like Money Matters .... more entries (with answers) = more money for the charity ....
Chance to win �1,000 = buy the newspaper for the entry grid = more sales / income ......
The Internet has changed many business models and gives a way for mass communication .... there are other forums for 'answers' eg Yahoo Answers ....