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me or you ?

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johnny.5 | 11:51 Mon 05th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
i was johnny5 but now back as johnny.5
johnny5 got banned for sarcasticly asking about chatterbank in ab suggestions shortly after it was closed.
i can't actually prove it but can offer circumstantial evidence to back up my claim
however what difference does it make who any of us are ?
anyone or even nooone (joke) could be whoever thet want to be in the virtual world of the internet


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The only solid proof is a piccie. After all anybody can come on here claiming to be who they say they are but it's no earthly use without proof.
I'm johnny5.....and so is my husband
Question Author
but even if i do have a photo of myself
you have no idea what i look like
good point. Ah well we'll just take as you as johnny 5, I;m feeling generous, just behave :-)
and surely if you arent the real johnny 5 will appear and protest
Awww, i know it's you J5, and once again, it's good to have you back :-)
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cheers boo help yourself to a bit of cake
I know what J5 looks like, show me your pic (shhh just me no one else will look honest)
-- answer removed --
and anyway whiffey if he is an alias, you always say how much you love alias'
jonny5 - In the nicest possible sense I actually don't care but I am going to hijack your thread for two secs.... Since that is a non cake deserving offence you can give my slice to Boobies.

Hijack time

Oi trigger!!! Hiya, you alirght? Not seen your pixels about recently.
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wow hi cat
so you still here too
hope you and yours are all well just emailed you to prove its me
Hang on, I get one slice??? ONE??? You disapoint me J5, you know darned tootin' well that Boo doesn't share very well.....the WHOLE cake is mine....ok?
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chinadoll you are welcome in any of my threads and you would normally be offered a bit of cake however boo has been in lol
and btw please don't drop your h's
Hallo J5 m'dear, you're a brave man giving B00 ONE bit of cake lol, no email though so hhmmm, try sending it to the msn one lol dont have the aol one anymore
Boobies is a greedy mare and she always makes me do the washing up.

Picks up the h's left lying around
I've just had a thought, funny it never occurred to me before.

Anybody could post a piccie of anything and say it was them !!

I hope people don't do it though, it's not really cricket, and if a piccie can't be trusted, then anybody could be anybody else or indeed everybody else.

Woo Hoo!! It is you. Brilliant to see you back :-)

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