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Quizmail 67

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sleuth | 17:21 Sun 18th Nov 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
In astronomy, what nine-letter portmanteau word, formed on the model of such stars with such names as 'pulsar' or 'quasar', is an alternative name for a black hole?

I have an answer I am not sure of. I do Google.


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Question Author
Thanks. That's not what I had but will look into it. As I said I wasn't sure at all at my answer.
Lok in Wikipedia under 'HYPERNOVA'

The word collapsar, short for collapsed star, is an early word for the end product of stellar gravitational collapse, a stellar-mass black hole. The word, used in this sense, is obsolete; but the term "collapsar" now sometimes refers to a specific model for the collapse of a fast-rotating star, as discussed below.

Question Author
Thanks. Beat you to it:-) I had Gravastar.
from the phrase "formed on the model of such stars as pulsar or quasar " feel the answer is going to be collapsar.

good luck with whichever answer you go with

Question Author
Thanks. Think I'll go with collapsar. I looked it up.

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Quizmail 67

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