sambro in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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MONTCRIEFF49 | 19:35 Mon 19th Nov 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
i would like to know how i made ur nite much obliged


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you asked all the questions i was looking for in the mail,but i was too embarrassed to ask so many questions, because in the past some smart alecs have come on and said why bother!! anyway i think youve got a top user name!! mates for life now!!
Question Author
thanks mate i will keep u rite every sunday if i can you r my mate for life thanks very much as i was told i was ilitrate but im not its only coz i had the computer for 2 mths and still learning made sum frends tonite on a/b lol monty thanks for liking my name xxxx
never be too embarassed - but, some abers will get fed up if you seem to ask the whole xword, or almost the whole ... and don't seem to be trying yourself .... you asked some 10+ questions on MoS, almost one after the other ... some of which were quickly answerable by googling e.g the plaited glass australian food container (dilly bag) ....

also, best to put your questions in one posting (as recommended by AB)

why not ask some, and then see what you can do yourself with letters from such answers?

Montcrief and Sambro

This is an answer bank. You ask a question, hopefully you will get the answer you are looking for. If you are new to this and other forums, you will soon learn that there are some pompous people out there who cannot resist letting other people know how intelligent they are. You will get used to it. You keep on asking as many questions as you like. Most people are very nice and helpful. After all no one is forced to provide answers if they dont want to are they?
I am useless with cryptic crosswords myself, but hubby is brilliant at them. Welcome to AB.
Oops! I forgot to sign myself off as Mrs Sambro. Dont want you thinking he is a woman. Hope I have not confused you. I should have signed in as myself but forgot. Only realised it as I pressed the submit button.

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