What are the good places/clubs to hang out in San Francisco? I'm going to be travelling there in a couple of weeks and would like to meet lots of new people (male preferably).... as I live not too far away, it wouldn't be too hard to stay in touch if I some new 'friends' :)
So where are the social scenes and local hangouts in SF where I meet as many interesting people as possible?
San Francisco has a fantastic restaurant at the end of the pier, the problen is, it's invisable, you need to believe it's there, trust your instincts, close youe eyes and walk and walk and walk. That feeling of wetness you will get, and the feeling of falling are perfectly natural, it's called antisipation.
Try it and let us know how you found it.
Yeah, same again, the water there is much like the Dead sea, you can walk on it, but only when your head goes under and you think you're submerged. Ignore your first instinc, which is to panic, and you'll soon feel lighter than air
Yes, yes, but I dont want to just go about on walks and such... I want to meet people, see the local ''sight'' so to speak.... where can I meet nice men in the city? Surely there must be a local club or bar where the young and single mingle?
yes sadly it is a bit of a dump and there are tramps on every corner - I was there about a year ago and was a bit disappointed. I dragged my friend out a few times but couldn't find anywhere decent at all clubs wise, although there are a few nice bars. The area near the pier was nice during the day and you have to take a trip to alcatraz. Hope you have a good time!