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S.Express 9/12 Giles

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Celtigra3 | 21:58 Sun 09th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
I am a bit confused - it says when did Britain ban smoking in public places - do they mean the date of the White Paper because Scotland's ban came into force before England? Anyone got the answer please?


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Thanks teacher1 - I did type in the question but it didn't come up with any similar ones so I submitted instead of scrolling back! Naughty, I know. Sorry. PS I have put down all three as well - clue was a bit obscure I think!
The actual date that Westminster DECIDED to enforce a future ban was Tuesday February 14 th. 2006 ! - Just to confuse matters !

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S.Express 9/12 Giles

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