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Lonnie No, thankfully he doesn't, even though he's very into extreme sports!! Incidentally, he's got a horrible voice - but, bless him, he tries - and when everyone moans, he ignores them!!
Cetti I couldn't agree with you more. You're absolutely right - who cares? Isn't it such wonderful fun?! Alright, we do have the awful commercialism, but we don't worry about that in our house, and our Christmas is pretty traditional and family orientated. In fact our TV or radio don't go on from beginning to end, so we have no outside influences at all - and it's just lovely. I would dearly love to join you on Friday for what sounds like a perfect Christmas evening, but not only is it a long way to come - we have our village Carols on that night when everyone gets together with the obligatory mince pies, mulled wine and more - and I'm so looking forward to it. I do hope you have a wonderful time, and I shall be thinking of you.
Luna - I'll be expecting you, our foremost songbird, to lead AB in a festive rendition - spoons and all! - so don't let us down!