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brittannia building society

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terence7556 | 17:50 Sun 16th Dec 2007 | Personal Finance
3 Answers
any good?


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any good at what?????
Have been a long term saver with them. They have given very efficient service but they don't pay the highest interest rates and if you look around on the internet you'll find lots of institutuions paying higher rates. Can't comment on their mortgage provision as I've never had a mortgage with them.
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any good at providing a reasonable service in the mortgage area
they want my son to pay �300 in charges because he wants to use his own local solicitor rather than their national covering firm in liverpool 75 miles away.
with his first home they used the britannia and the solicitors in liverpool. the service left a lot to be desired and i wondered if any one had a similar story

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brittannia building society

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