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i dont like you

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bobtheturkey | 11:54 Fri 28th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
because he said to her that her brothers best mate told his postman that if she didn't say anything to his mates 2nd cousin then the postman's uncle who works in woolies would then go and say all sorts to his nephews girlfriends mother who in actual fact is related to the postman's milkman so there, i dont like you


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Awwwww I still like you though!x :-(
neither do I
Not you againnnnnnnnnn
Question Author
hello katie how are you, hello 4get
Question Author
hello brain cell
Hello Bob. I'm very well thank you. You?x
Question Author
not bad katie bit damp here
that's my mums milkmans son your talking about, so there to you too
It's like that here too. All grey and yucky.x
Good thanks. I guess you're feeling a bit stuffed after xmas. :-)
Question Author
did you have any toast this morning i did
Yes, I had toast and marmite.x
Question Author
do you eat the crusts
Yes, they make your hair curly. Maybe I shouldn't eat them though seeing as I spend at least half an hour everyday straightening my hair!x
-- answer removed --
Pssssst!'ll wake up the Trivia Police in a minute.....they were all over the site yesterday.........shshsh

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i dont like you

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