71. heller's continental circus (6,6) 72. grant's directorial debut (3,3) 74.useful seaweed (4,4) 76. it won't spoil the view (2,2) 80.incredibly thankful duo (4,4) 82.three seconds and five thirds,but no yellow jersey (3,3)
82 Pou Pou (Raymond Poulidor was a french cyclist in the 60's and came 2nd three times and 3rd five, but never won the Tour de France. Pou Pou is his nickname)
Now now kettledrum, I hope you don't use that tone with everyone who asks a question on Answerbank. If we all researched everything fully before we looked on Answerbank there would be little need for the site. I knew a haha was a ditch, but it's not a word I use in everyday speech unlike