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jillie | 14:12 Mon 21st Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Answers are birds

1 Can produce crotchety ears

2 They meet resistance ffrom all directions

3 Opposite direction in church land

Many thanks


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1 Oystercatcher
2 Wrens - R plus north south east and west
3 Grebe - Glebe and change left for right
You're welcome - don't mention it !
Honestly ! Please stop thanking me - I had time on my hands and your thanks have made my effort worthwhile!
Question Author
Eddiebun - In case you haven't noticed I thanked you when I posted as I knew I would be out all day!! You obviously do have time on your hands!! I also thanked you on a previous post. I do not sit on my PC all day but post and then come back later.
Sorry !
I know how you feel eddiebun, the times I have given an answer where I have Googled till I'm exhausted and never given so much as 1 star or acknowledged.Most of the time answers can be found quite easily on Google.Please excuse,I don't normally have a moan, but I've had a few whisky's tonight. PS. I think jillie is one who usually acknowledges.
Regards. Val.

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