oh right, but i don't understand why people would pretend to be someone they're not on here?
for example 4GS is not your real name its just a virtual representation of yourself. and some people's representations of themselves is based on total fiction sometimes, so why would imposters pretend to be a virtual representation of someone else?
The problm being MiniN being is that say someone called say...MiniM came on the site and started leaving nasty comments, pretending to be you and everyone believed it was you, you'd be a bit miffed wouldn't you? With that in mind, i'm sure you'd want them removed ASAP.
Some people invest a great deal of emotion in an online character. In exceptional cases (one is current) it is clear that they have no other major interests in their lives. For these individuals, AB IS their life, and being impostererererered is a life-threatening event.
i remember 4G5. must have been traumatic. But you were strong 4GS and you won. who ever does that should be charged with fraud! Even though they clearly stated that it wasnt you! The idiotas.
What I wanna know is why I have never been impostered. I've been a member for years and just about everyone I know has been impostered. Am I not worthy? Or can't the imposterers imposter me due to legal reasons or summat? I have felt quite left out in the past when Ive seen almost everyone I know arguing with 'themselves' lol
seriously though, I am only on about the fun impostering that used to happen, the nasty posts from them in a similar name to someone else are bang out of order.
I think theres a few folks have pixie in their name on here but as far as I know none of them are impostering me lol Im only pixi (which doesnt work anymore) of aka pixi lol