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What can you not stand in food ?

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whiffey | 21:00 Mon 04th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Well, apparently it is thrice lumpy mashed potato. Hugely disappointing, and it was shouting out, but the main didn't work at all and it was all because of the lumpy mashed potato which didn't wow.

I am going to bed early.



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I find mushrooms nauseating, they're so slimy and horrible-they are a fungi after all
I quite like lumpy mash!
I can't stand beetroot. Yuk!
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i'll take the dog sh!t over cinnamon every time.

Oh, and cloves. Spew.
I love potatoes so don't mind the occasional lump or few.

However, I don't use sugar or sweeteners in any form in my tea, and I don't like salty foods.
I'm like Tigger.... I actually prefer lumpy mash - plus I like the peel left on - more taste....

In answer to your Q, I cannot abide cream added to anything - be it mashed potato, quiche or soups. Virtually all the ready-made veggie dishes available in M&S and Tescos have got cream added - even the curries is that all about ?

Anyway, back to MC - why do the gruesome twosome insist that everything be served up *well seasoned* - I thought loads of salt was bad for you. I rarely put salt in anything (except a little in lentil dishes) and simply provide it for guests (and me) to add ourselves.
Lumpy mash is a very serious problem, I would like to think that it was taken more seriously on here because when mashing your spuds and they are lumpy it can ruin the whole meal.
hairs big no no !
I will eat most things put in front of me...tho I am not a big fan of meat. I would probably happily do without it....I get cravings now and again-but the fantasy never lives up to my expectations-lol. Food-wise,what I really dislike is ready-meals...they always taste un-real.
i don't like jam out a jar but like it in cakes.can't eat cheese uncooked but can if it is (cooked) !.can't eat corned beef from the tin but love corned beef hash !
the jelly around a pork pie...I mean what is the need for it?
that peel in mince pies
Celery - just wrong. All wrong. Even if I'm given a salad and a peice of the said evil has touched any thing else in the salad then I just can't eat that other.

thinks happy thoughts, thinks happy thoughts, takes deep breaths
It probably serves to keep the meat moist,cazzzz.
I agree there beads, what is worse when some gobsh!te stands there crunching it raw in front of you
but its gross :S
what is the point of raisins nothing worse than attempting a scone and getting a mouthful of dead flies
Baked beans are wrong in so many ways, mushrooms are just pure evil and raw carrot is also quite unnecessary.
Marzipan! Yeuch!

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