"slugs, spiders or snakes" - "trolls"
Your descriptions, your words, NOT MINE. You criticise other people for the content of their posts, but then come back with the above - I would say pot, kettle and black spring to mind! Let's be very clear - EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion (even the "minority" as someone above puts it), especially when it is put across without being rude or offensive. You may not like the first two posts in this thread - but when the question setter has already asked (and been answered), what possible reason can they have for asking the same question again? There can be wrong on both sides!
Let's give clues by all means, but why keep ruining the hard work of question setters by just giving away all the answers on here? Remember, we are entering quizzes not a lottery. And it's not just me saying it, many others are as well. Recently there seems to have been a spate of people asking for virtually all questions in a couple of quizzes - what enjoyment can that bring?