I would be cautious about what Google recognises ... often as a result of spelling mistakes / american english 'new' words appear on Google !!!!!
Tapeinochilus ananassae .... is Pineapple Ginger .... ananas/anana is the pineapple.
Anonaceae is given as an alternative spelling in Chambers ....
I've changed the spelling of 13a) having found this webpage ....
http://www.offalyhistory.com/articles/158/1/Cl onbullogue-Parish-From-Historic-Records/Page1. html
A Famous Wood
... �He was friend of St. Abban to whom we referred quite recently as an employer of the famous mastercraftman, Goban-Soar.�
(similar discussion is on -http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Quizzes-and-Puzzles/Crosswords/Question528461.html)