I'm not doing this puzzle (where's it from?) but I think you might have to check all your other answers.
Here's a definition of the English sonnet: "Also known as the Shakespearean sonnet, this has 14 lines, 3 quatrains (4 lines) and a couplet (2 lines)". Compare with the Italian or Petrarchan sonnet: division into 8 lines (octave) and 6 lines (sestet).
And here's one set of synonyms for mollify - but none has an 's' as the third-last letter:
abate, allay, alleviate, ameliorate, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, compose, conciliate, cool, cool down, cool out, cushion, decrease, diminish, dulcify, ease, fix up, lessen, lighten, lull, mellow, mitigate, moderate, modify, pacify, placate, propitiate, quell, quiet, reduce, relieve, soften, soothe, sweeten, temper, tone down, tranquilize