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My son scared the bejesus out of me

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cazzz1975 | 23:00 Mon 17th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
this evening he was doing sums with some number blocks, he is 8 and has autism and is a bit of a number obsessive, I dont mind helping him find numbers but when I read the sum it was

987 x 987 = 974169

and he had got it right as well, he did a load more as well (all right) , has anyone's kids surprised them with their skills?


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Do not fear...........
See if your son can be tested somewhere, you could be in for an incredible ride :o)
I always thought children with autism were very bright and I think they are especially good with maths. Dustin Hoffman played an autistic man in the film Rainman and he could work out the most complicated maths sequences in seconds.
hi cazzz, well done to mini you! he may be a genius ye know

I have a niece who is autistic and she is brilliant with writing and she's very clever, I think they all have their own wee speciality dont they
well done to him hun! clever son you have there

my nephew has aspergers and his ability with numbers and stats just blew me away!

my 4 year old is pretty clever, i got told last week at parents eve that he is way ahead of every other kid in his class. He can write 6 words now,(and fairly neat for his age, better than my 16 year old in fact lol) and he can write the whole alphabet. he knows every make of car and did by the age of 3.

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yeah, my son has been obsessed with numbers from the get go, he had done a years worth of his maths by october so they are just giving him bits and bobs to do.

I know he is good with numbers but I didnt know he could work out complex multiplication in his head, he likes using the scientific calculator and does numbers to the power and uses the sin cos tan (gives them values ect)

he doesnt get it from me, I can barely work out the change from a tenner :S
Lovely to hear about all your bright kids - well done, but let them find their own way. My son was bright too and the teachers were always telling me, but he hated it and just wanted to be like everyone else. I encouraged him but didn't push it as he could have easily regressed.
Awww cazzz he obviously brings loads of proud moments into your life I'll bet he is a real charmer and you sound such a fabulous mum. I don't know anyone with a child with autism but my best friend has a grandson with cerebral palsy , I know there is no comparison but the love between her and her son is heart wrenching.
Well done to him. He has your smarts, Cazzzzz. Good for him!
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I wouldnt push him, he has lots of other issues to deal with and it would be very stressful for him, I also have another child with autism and a daughter so I have enough to do!!!

thought I would share one of his sums with you all though :D
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aww thanks guys!!!!

figure, I am useless at maths lol!!

he must get it from his dad (engineer)
Didn't you say you can take down a car engine and put it back together? I was very impress when I read that. And overall, your advice on here are quite impressive. xx
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engines are quite simple really, just mechanical parts, bit like assembling furniture :D

mental arithmatic is something else entirely :D
Well done to him , that's really clever , I'm no good at maths but that was my sons forte too , must have got that from his dad . I bet you are so proud of him cazzz , he sounds a wonderful little lad :-) xxxxx
Aww you sound such a lovely mum Cazzz, and you have such a lot to do. I bet they are lovely lovely kids, a credit to you.
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I am mamma!!, what is it with boys and maths lol!!

I just wish his front tooth would grow!

wow Cazzz he worked that out in his head, that is impressive. It would take me ages with pen and paper lol.

Sounds like a bright wee fellow, and i agree with figure you must be pretty smart yourself if you can strip an engine down and rebuild it again, i don't think i could even change a wheel lol.
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well thanks to my other half (a braniac!) , I was always a car nut so he taught me the stuff I didnt know (he rebuilt his first engine when he was 7) I cant imagine how weird that sounds ...I was playing out on skates or playing kerbs when I was 7!! not under a car !

How fantastic is your son Cazzz!!! Clever lad!
Maths is my own autistic son's favourite lesson at school, but he's nowhere in the league of yours, and you have every right to be very proud of him - xx
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Hi bez - it's lovely to read these sort of things isn't it? x

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