Am having problems with 3 questions - 2 may be due to my lack of French!!! 39a Ready in Rouen-before "to wear" ?R?T 45a Approximately in Amiens ? P?U ?R?S 50a Heads on a square base, usually double-faced H?R?A?
As commented on earlier I also noticed the answers to 13a and 10d from last months crossword did not match. Wonder how the winner got it RIGHT or did he get it WRONG????
Thank you all very much. I would certainly never have got the first 2 and probably not HERMAE either.
Presume 39a is PRET as only have 4 spaces. Is there a connection to Rouen or Amiens in the answers?
Very interesting slaney. I too had a fight with 47a until the penny dropped that the question had an error. Never checked 22d date - just had the right letters so put in the answer.
By the way do you live near the Slaney. I come from Waterford but relations live near Ballymore Eustace (Liffey runs thru' farm) and Dunlavin.