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Mixing up your words

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Psychick | 16:49 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
When you was little. did you used to get words muddled up so they came out as something else? Junkman gave classic example on the pie & chips thread by cally steak and kidney pies kate and sidney. I also know someone who would say rootbeet instead of beetroot.

Any more out there?


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My 18 year old daughter still gets Car Park mixed up and says Par Cark.............I think this is called spoonerism but I could be wrong.
i know someone who calls Tina Turner - tin a tuna
little CRX loves having the story of the little 'gingermed bran' read to him.

Its almost impossible to pronounce it that way when i try it
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lol is that on purpose though weeal?
aww how cute lol

I once got Bucks Fizz mixed up and my dad slapped me.
no psy, its an old lady and thats what she calls her hahaha
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Aww bless him red, I think the little ones come out with the cutest of things.

lol weeal, how old was you and did you realise what you had said?
gawd i mustve been about 16 when that group were 'it' but my dad still ruled the roost lol, it was a genuine mistake
yer I can match that weeal I called my dad a tw@t (sorry for language thinking it was same as twit
In mass I mixed a few words up indeed , one being in the Hail Mary ..........blessed is the fruit of thy room .....
i used to say par cark alot by accident, my sister still jumbles all her words up, and sometimes makes up new words because she cant remember the real one. she seems to be linguistically challenged though lol (shes the same age as me, shes my twin)
Well back to car park I used to say krap rac
One of my sons used to say nins and peedles- we still say it to this day.
And saying focus was a bit embarassing as well
My son used to call pins and needles .....hundreds and thousands :-D
I think I got the wrong end of the stick on this one.

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