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Popular writer's surnames

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zak21 | 16:49 Fri 25th Apr 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
6 UK County, + & - a vowel (8)
8 Make of Garden machinery ( 7)
10 House in London (7)
13 Scotland 6 England 1 (5)


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I have seen James answered for No 13
10 Maugham....Somerset (house) ?
6. Cornwell -a + e
have you got bakewell in france
I haven't smouse, still need 10, 14, 15, 21, 29, 31. 15 has previously been said as Belloc, why? unsure of 45, when googled comes up as melvin
want answers or clues?

setter is adamant is melville but it isnt but guess that is going to be accepted answer

15 bell for clapper OC of orange country

what about garlic herbe
Thanks for breakdown of 15 smouse, clues would be fine, easy please!
8 Ransome?
10 I agree with above
14 wish I was sure - that isnt a clue its a comment - lol
21 boxer
29 look for famous spies withthat phrase

Thanks smouse

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