I went to weightcare years ago and lost 10lbs in my first week, put one on the following week though.
Ive given up on diets now though, just put more on each time and i cant stick to them, good luck to you though and well done, thats a great loss
bigmamma, poor you. :-( (((((((((((((x)))))))))))
Lost about 3stone in 5 months just myself -still at it and but obv it has slowed down cos i am allowing mysefl some wine and other treats but all in all 4 stone I reckon -havent weighed myself I just know its mega.
Just another 'stone' to go and i'll be back to normal well physically anyway lol
(bad mediaction years back (3stone on in 6 weeks and I lost the will)
That's really good Hollie. I've been on a diet for a few weeks and while I havn't weighed myself, my skinny jeans are a bit more comfortable. Have been bad this weekend though, so back to being strict tomorrow!!
Hi, been trying to lose the 5 stone (!) I put on whilst pregnant- this is 18 months later, lol! I have been using the 'pink patch' and i have no idea whether it is actually working or it is just a placebo effect but I have lost 15 lbs in just over a month. I do have smaller portions and feel less hungry-have also been doing a lot more general moving about, can't call it exercise! but as I said to mr schlomo- whether its true or a placebo-its working for me! Just another 4 stone to go.....and i'll still think i'm fat! lmao! x
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Do you know the answer?
Is anyone on a diet...if so how much have you lost