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World Challenge Quiz

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Yarmite | 10:51 Tue 13th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Hi there, another new quiz all about the world.
There are some I don't know, can you help?
1 Absolutely not allowed 90 degree angle, that's fantastic fun! (3, 9, 6)
2 Keep the study of plants at a distance? (6, 3)
3 Famous for its hot springs and environmental friendliness? (9)
4 Will this cathedral tell you porkies? (10)
5 Large fruit, large fruit ! (3, 4)
6 Dare you Go Ape in here? (5, 6)
7 Oath lands a glass pig! (3, 9, 7)
8 Eric's favourite beech? (9, 3)
9 More? (4)
Thank You in advance for your help.


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2. Botany Bay ?
8 morecambe bay ?
8. Should this read 'beAch' ? Morecambe Bay ?
New York, New York (= Big Apple)
Question Author
Sorry slight spelling mistake.
Number 8 should read Beach.
That was number 5, sorry
9. anagram of more = Rome
3 Greenland

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World Challenge Quiz

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