Is it me or is this site having problems. eVery question i've tried to look up has brought up a message saying basiclly it doesn't exist. I'm sure i've seen the question tho.
If you're talking about the search facility on here, I think everyone has problems with it. You're far better off using Google, which usually points you to the relevant question on here. Some advise including the word "Answerbank" when searching on Google.
Hi dickymint, my search facility has completely disappeared for at least a few days if not a week. It's v annoying especially as you can't jump to eg the 20th page where you might be more likely to see posts from earlier... (if you can jump to a much earlier page, please tell me how to do it someone!).
I have reported this several times, to both Editor and Technical team but it seems that they simply could not give a damn. Strange, is it not, that the WEB search facility works Ok.
Surely, they should be encouraging the use of SITE search. if only to reduce the number of duplicate questions.
I know that this site is for free but to treat queries with complete disdain is inexcusable.