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friends of camps hill weather quiz

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granny grump | 20:28 Wed 28th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
I'm stumped on 3 films and would really appreciate some clues.

21. BT (T being the weather word)
23. COTC (The last C being the weather word)
27. ESOTSM (The first S being the weather word)

For number 15 TSATR with R being the weather word I have got
'The sunshine after the Rain'

But it doesn't really fit as the film is 'Sunshine after the Rain' and the S for sunshine isn't underlined - am I being too picky?


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21. Blue Thunder.
23 Captains Of The Clouds (?)
27. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Question Author
Thankyou kindly MissBoots, Lie-in King & anywhen your help is much appreciated. Can you confirm if I have got 15 right please?
15 The Serpent and the Rainbow - a horror film but it fits
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Thank you anywhen - that is a better fit

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friends of camps hill weather quiz

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