Hi Dickymint, didn't enter quiz but well done on the amount raised. I am sorry to hear you too have received flack, I have been on the receiving end recently following a quiz I marked - the phrase Sticks and stones doesn't really work does it - as words DO HURT do you not agree ?
Mine was okay ..all marked correct but I think a lot of people were upset because 13=S on the AF was marked as Stars on the American Flag and it should be Stripes on the American Flag.Some people has answers altered.
I must admit I didn't like the American Monopoly and the Zip Code questions but that was because I'm English (Yorkshire actually LOL)
But well done on the amount raised. I like St Johns Ambulance..very much under-rated
Don't be upset dickymint, if people know that's how you prefer to do the quizzes then that's OK, it's just that most people either enclose the winner's name along with the answers or publish it on AB. You did very well to raise so much money and hope your next quiz is as successful .