For goodness sake WORK IT OUT. It's so simple a six-year old could tell you the answer, but no doubt one of the really clever answerers on this site will put you out of your misery.
And I can't stand arrogant know-alls. Perhaps everyone isn't quite as brilliant as you seem to think you are. If you don't want to be helpful, then why not just ignore the question? There's no need to be rude to anyone - however lazy you deem them to be.
Closing date is 5th September! So plenty of time to think up an answer. The quiz title is called 'An Apple a Day' not medical quiz!
And NO I only have one screen name whatever squarebear says. x
That's right. He's the guy at the front of the boat who shouts to keep the rowers in time with each other and STROKE is also a medical condition that affects the brain.
To be honest, I don't believe a six year old would have got that as Ivor claims.
Afternoon podger. Hope you are well this fine Saturday.