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Welcome to The AnswerBank Quiz and Puzzle Roundup. Please use this thread to share quizzes and puzzles.
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Good morning everyone - well, the sun is shining, the breeze is cool and there's no heatwaves on the way just yet, so it all looks good for the start of the New Year !! The links today... ...
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Sorry folks, there's a delay with the clues this morning - the Telegraph is still showing yesterday's puzzles and I have to go out now. Maybe if twix sees this, he may post them, or when I get back... ...
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#waffle1072 2/5 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🔥 streak: 3
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Has anyone found the postman in this issue yet?
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Good Morning Everyone! Wordle 1,288 5/6 ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Congratulations to Emeritus who gets the BA and also to zebo who both solved yesterday's in 2!
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Things you associate with the festive season of Christmas - Cryptic 1) Literally around at Christmas (6 letters) 2) Birthday, Political for instance (7 letters) 3) Easy to break free from (5,6... ...
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28a ) immobile (8) the letters I have are i?l?t??e.....I thought it was immotile but 5d with the clue bet(7) gives the letter "l" that doesn't seem to fit.  338a) permit(7)....... I have... ...
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54. Are you able to proceed (3,1,2)
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Help please! 1. This is a model of a company(6) 2. Watch this expert(4,6) 3. Missing twine (8,4) 4. Birds (5) 5. Pheasant, Partridge of being (4,2,4) 6. A Greek dish with range (9) 7. A charter for... ...
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Festive dingbats
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I'm struggling with #42  1. Xmas (this is underlined)      struck          
2. Xmas
3. Xmas                                     Vocalise
4. Xmas                                     Melodically
5. Xmas...
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Popular AI 7 letters
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halcyon days
9. He keeps an eye on the dates (3,4)
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Smile broadly at Switzerland 3,6 letters
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The writer Alex Michaelides revealed in February that the first adult book he read and enjoyed, as an 11-year-old was which Agatha Christie thriller ?   
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What was the first Agatha Christie Book Alex Michaelides read at the age of 11
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Been struggling on this one for a month now! It's a game. I have an answer but it doesn't have 6 letters but 5. I've queried this but haven't had an answer yet. Does anyone think there is an answer... ...
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7) Not good with Church and nitrogenthanks 3,5 letters 8) Bernard and Maurice belong inside 5 loetters 21) Small stop sign in a region of yorkshire with head covering 6,3,6,4 27) Officer with coat or... ...
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Thanks in advantage for your help. 20 aegis 23 aehhilortwy (5 ,6)  28 aaeimprsst (4 7 ) 40 aacddeeelnnrtv (6 8) 60 aabcdeeilnoortt ( 5 10). 
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 J and R are literary characters , K and X are scientific terms and I, L and Q are places. What are we talking about ? 

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