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Can anyone help with this film question please?

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shoemad | 10:42 Thu 03rd Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
In which film did Kirk douglas say
'Einstein couldn't kick a football across a dance floor but he could change the shape of the universe''

I've googled this without success so any suggestions would be appreciated.
thank you


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A Letter to Three Wives. If you google "einstein couldn't kick" (including the quotation marks) you'll get one result.
Question Author
thank you for your quick reply. I tried what you said but still didn't get any helpful results so don't know what I'm doing wrong?
worked for me too, shoemad. Just type into Google exactly what pquinlan said
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can't understand it, I'm typing exactly what pquinian said, including quotation marks and I just get loads of things but not the result I want.
Maybe it's my computer, surely it can't be me??
I've just tried it. Worked for me.
and me! just copy and paste it into google shoemad
Question Author
I typed in the phrase plus 'letter to three wives' and then the answer came up, but nothing otherwise. Very strange!
Anyway, you've found me the answer and I'm very grateful for your help.
Have a good day.

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Can anyone help with this film question please?

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