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mos sudoku

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woodhamgirl | 10:59 Mon 14th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Am I missing something, has the MOS now decided that entries for the Sudoku are either by text or phone, both at �1.
Considering the odds of winning these competitions are slim anyway we're gonna be broke just to enter them.


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Hmmm. One or two text/phone entries creeping in. Obviously the credit crunch is taking its toll and the paper needs to raise some money. But where will it end?
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well i for one wont be helping their finances to boost!!!
I only noticed that once I'd done it, (prob would have still done it but not so quickly)

I for one will be writing to the mail on Sunday (or emailing) to complain, after all for ages the prize was only a book. Now they are giving a small cash prize they want us to phone/txt

Think we should all complain, but not hopeful they will do anything.....
I have emailed MOS to say that if they are making the sudoku txt entry only, I will no longer be buying the paper at all.

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