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Number Phrases

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huntsbottom | 07:07 Fri 25th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Help!!! 15= MS of the EW 22= of F (WTD) 42= the A to L, the U and E 12= D of a C 4= F on the H
any help will be appriciated . Ive tried Ditloids.


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42. The answer to life the universe and everything "from hitchhikere's guide to the galaxy)
42 = the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything (hitchhikers guide to galaxy)
4=Fingers on the Hand.
22 of February (Washington's Tribute Day)?
12 = digits of a clock
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Thanks all. Just need one now.

15= MS of the EW.

If it was 15=MS of the EU instead of 15=M of the EW, it could be 15=Member States of the European Union?

This is rather old now though as there are a lot more than 15.

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