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DT Quick 28/7

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cwaddict | 16:58 Mon 28th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Despite the title 'Quick' I have struggled today! Would be glad of any help with the following:
1a: Cambridge Univ.senator (6) s???i?
8a: Rituals (5) r???s
10a: Spun round (7) w???l?d - probably whirled
2d: Louis XV court painter (7) think it could be Boucher but it doesn't seem to fit in.
5d: Jap.ware(5) i?a?i
7d: Simpleton; oil rig (5) ?o??y - could be loony
I'm in trouble for wasting so much time today!
Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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8a Rites
10 a Whirled
8a) Rites
5d) Imari
Always remember that the answers to the clues in Italics sound like a word or phrase. I reckon today's SIX could be a record! This can sometimes help to 'figure out' one or more answers, especially on a Monday, which like Friday's Sudoku can only be described as Diabolical!

. . . . Syndic Asian Rites Operate Whirled Wide

. . . . Synication Rights Operate Worldwide

Good Luck! ☺ja
Question Author
Thanks everyone - and especially Catron. Hadn't heard of the artist Nattier before. What an unfortunate name!
Can now proceed to more useful activity! Thanks again.
. . . . can't spell Syndication !
Question Author
Thanks, also to johnalex! What a revealing answer! Hadn't understood the significance of the italicised clues. Shows what a novice I am. cwaddict
Thanks cwaddict - to deceive you even further the italics are not shown every day, just Monday or when there are 3 or more words in play! These are always the first across clues. So if there are no italics then you know there are only 2 words being punned, eg Saturday: 1a Holmes, 4a Tedder ( = Homesteader). All very crafty . . . .

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DT Quick 28/7

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