It is very disheartening after spending hours and hours settingwhat you think is a fair quiz to see postings on here within days. But on the other hand this is a question and answer site, thats what its for, so can see both sides. My main thought is that it makes it unfair for those who purchase the quiz sheets and research themselves, many without the aid of PC's etc and send their aheets in with several answers missing, and dont stand a chance, then there are hundreds of fully completed quizzes who have shared answers, making the winner chosen by lottery. Wondered if there was a way of putting a section on the sheets to ask if they have had outside help, should it come to a draw, but would people be honest????
Dont know what the answer is but would an average exam board be happy if one candidate entered alone and the other brought along 50 helpers?? I think not!
Maybe others have got veiws on this..when all said and done these quizzes do what they set out to do and raise charity funds.
Maybe another way is not to have a draw but to split thw winnings among all those with same no of answers that way each 'winner' would get about 2p??