Could you help me with any of these please
33. Blue corundum gets some determination
37. Few bits and bobs from body provide sea warning
43. Very very frightening according to HRH???
yapisle all answers are ? and ? ie recognisable pairs
33. 8 and 5
37. 5 and 10
43. 7 and 9
Never mind brntt I still need quite a few more. How about any of these
81. Delightful but distasteful may describe a dish ( 5 and 4)
88. He sang a sweet fairy tale to soothe her (3 and 3)
71. Blooming headwear refreshing some maybe (4 and %)
Smouse - I have an answer to No. 56 but am not too happy with it.
Would you regard flowers (or weeds) as pests in the garden ?????
They can be attractive.
Be pleased to know your thoughts.