Question Author
The Quiz made �520.50 profit!!! Many, many, thanks to you all.
Your support and good humour, poems etc have been brilliant.
The Dragonfly Unit is absolutely thrilled and you will be giving some very sick children a few trips/treats over the holidays with some of your money.
�Thank you� seems inadequate, but it is sincere.
I really hope you all enjoyed the Quiz�the feedback was excellent, and I will be forwarding the notes etc some of you have sent on to Crofter.
Crofter!�what can I say�without him none of this is possible. Not only has he given so much of his time and effort for these children, but also I am sure he has given you all hours of fun�and head scratching!
Thank you so very much Crofter for ALL you have done. You are a star.
Pauline x
(Will get sheets back to you all asap.)