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Cinnamon Picture Quiz

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fleurbird | 08:30 Fri 08th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
35 Answers
I'd really appreciate any clues for 1c, 6c, 10d and 12c.
Many thanks.


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that's no help to people who havn't got this publication.
you need to put clues, word length and any letters you already have.
10d Mozart
12c Opal
dont know the rest
sallybowls they are all pictures with no clues or letters
1c is Teachers.
hello BabsG ive almost got it ,so how does Ross Kemp fit in?
meant to say how do you find the picture
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Many thanks Forward.
Sally Bowles if you aren't doing the quiz not really possible to help. it's all pictures with connections. No clues, no word length.
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Fordward (sorry misspelt last time) 1c character name in EastEnders!
thankyou fleurbird, got it
I think some you have to do backwards if you get 3 pics you have a bit of a clue for the 4th but do agree pics are hard if you dont know

6c is a writer born 1876
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Thanks Smouse. I'm really enjoying the quiz and as you say sometimes with 3 out of 4 you can solve the missing pic but not always!
I dont want to spoil it yet for others so sorry its only a clue for now

Wish someone would give me one for 15 - lol
good clue smouse now got all the places but getting the connection is another matter i also have names for 4,& 17 but struggling on connection
Fordward. I was lucky as my daughter knew the programme so I didn't have to look it up. I have tried looking on google advanced search but no luck. My appologies if giving the answer has spoilt it for anyone.
thanks BabsG never heard of the program mind you im not a big TV watcher
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Sorted thanks Smouse. I like clues - good for the brain! I'm not 100% on 15 but think an animal. What have you got for 15a as I think that's more about the waterway rather than the craft.
Wasnt getting at you BabsG in fact I was in same boat as my son was home for the weekend

I'l work on 15a just had canal boat
you wouldent be thinking o a horse would you ?????
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I think 15a is Canal Bend/Turn thus name of jump at the Grand National! But I may be on the wrong track!!
plenty boxes for a horse box

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