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sir lancelot

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mathsteacher | 21:31 Sun 17th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
former duplicating machines 6


can anyone help me finish this please?



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Question Author
can you explain where the answer comes from please
there used to be a kind of duplicating machine called a RONEO
Check it out here:
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=roneo &r=66
mathsteachers always were fairly dim i think tau could have done with your help or otherwise! however back to roneos it rhymes with bonios dimwit surely you knew that one! no really it 's the same as sellotape or even xerox think about it but not for too long please
Question Author
thank you ladyalex.

I have never heard of them!
You are probably too young !
Happy to help :-)
Question Author
i was going to tell you to look in the complete crossword companion for your lists ......i got mine for a couple of quid from one of the cheap bookshops.....but as you are so rude i don't think i will bother! lol!
why do you think that we are all dimwits may i ask?
some of us are not old enough to remember roneos....me included!
Question Author
thank you for your help ladyalex.
last message meant for mrcroft not you!

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sir lancelot

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