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Earth Wind and Fire

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Pea Brain | 17:02 Mon 18th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
At the risk of being shot down in flames ! Please help -:
6. Strip for example - Get Off ! (6)
37. Sweatshirt stain (7)
Many thanks !!!! P


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6 Alight ?
Question Author
Gosh you are clever !! Thanks !! P
sorry can't help with 37 had no6 but not quick enough. can you help with no 84 with a clue, if I can help you with any others will if I have a answer for it. thanks
What is 84? Maybe we can help.
Re 6, I think Streak might be a more appropriate answer.
I think they have to have a connection with the words earth, wind and fire so alight would be suitable.
sorry i should have put this before, 84 small bird mostly appears in Southern latitudes initially (6) letters. thank you
84 looks like SQUALL

Southern Latitudes (initially) = S L

Small bird = Quail (mostly = QUAL)
37 topsoil
thanks for that gen2. Hi smouse is your foot better?
Nope lol
I have it propped on a cushion though so will still be here lol

Trying to decide if when my friend said she's do essential shopping will she see envelopes and stamps and a trip to the post office as essential

I am sure your friend will put that at top of list. Hope it gets better soon. I will see if I can do any more of the eart wind or fire quiz. cheers Pat

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