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who are the4 top 5 lying nastiest

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tu de bang | 11:46 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
85 Answers
bitter, hating ABers on this site mine are like this

1. Monkeyeyes

2. 123everton

3. Lungy (which could either be monkeyeyes or 4G's to stir trouble)

4. Doc.Spok

5. 4getmenot

Come on dont hold back. these nasty people who make this a miserable site for the rest of us need to be named and shamed


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Thank you very much, but am dissapointed in No.5. And you wonder why you arent liked. legend will be dissapointed that he hasnt been mentioned. Damm. I;m off to cry
Can we please have a positive question from you. You are depressing me already.
Don't understand your question, who are the 4 top 5?

Anyhoo, here goes

1) Gravitate
2) armylad
3) fingernail
4) hitler
4getmenot????????? you are joking.

And 4gs is lovely cos he sang Happy birthday to me.
Doc has always been fine to me as well.
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Good Morning.
Nice to see that you've continued where you left off yesterday..........

Am I to expect the usual self-pitying bilge from you today ?

I feel no, on the other hand have been exposed as a cowardly LIAR !

I have never, and would never, follow anyone across the boards posting flaming messages just for the sake of it. However, if you persist in posting threads containing my name, I reserve the right of reply.

Now go away before I make you cry again........
As Andy Warhol said Doc, everyone will get their 15 minutes of fame
Don�t quite know what I have lied about though, yet you yesterday admitted you lied. Mmmm. Oh well, and I was being nice this morning on your post. You know what though it would only hurt if it were true. I think that�s just your point of view. But if others hate me so be it, I�d just live with it, maybe you can one day :-)
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yes he maybe lovely to you but remember when he accused me of horrible things and physically threatened poor leggy.

I didnt put him in the top 5 because im scared he may start picking on me again

Yet look at his list. I was first! I donty know about the other 3 though
yes hau I am eviiiiiil. Mwa ha ha ha ha
as I said early stop banging on about same thing everyday, legend has already tried carrying it on today now you. Its boring. But thank you for my award. I'd like to thank my mum, my dad, my sis, bro and all my haters for supporting me throughout. x
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oh good morning Monkeyeys again. I knew it was only time before you started you insults towards me.

What is wrong with you. What have you got to prove?

Nothing was proved yesterday only that you looked stupid and everyone could see it.

Get over yourself.

I can help you on your journey to be a nice person. I think all you need is a hug
I wouldnt have forgetmenot in my top 5 at all, armylad and legendwould be two though.
And you putting up a thread claiming that I am a lying, nasty, bitter hater was in no way insulting...........?

What exactly is life like on planet gravy ?!?
Oh admarlow don�t take me off the list I�m so enjoying it :-) monkey I�d just leave him, it seems to me there�s only 2 people with things to prove and that�s why they keep bringing it up everyday. Moving on from one target to the next, where or where was 4GS in the list. Bet he�s so disappointed. lol
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come on monkey. lets have a group hug

****group huggies****
See thats more like it. I love you :-)
Lol another day at the factory it would seeem.

Btw 4get read number 3 , i think that answers your question .

Ok continue kiddys : 0)

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who are the4 top 5 lying nastiest

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