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sunday sun cryptic

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beanpole | 20:19 Sun 14th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
10a Mad king said to have a lecherous look (7)

Reginal ? but if so why ??

All suggestions welcome


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Hi, Beanpole, you seem to have drawn three blanks, which is most unusual. REGINAL does not appear to make sense, so I wonder if one of the letters you have may be wrong?
Are you giving us the correct letter count as LEAR is a mad king, and LEER is a lecherous look?
My instinct tells me the answer should be LEAR (sounds like LEER). Has something gone wrong elsewhere?
Question Author
4d Converse easily 6

Hardly 3rd letter gives R

5d West african river scotsman followed 8
Nigerian 3rd letter gives G

6d Indication of low interest rate 5
Ennui gives n

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sunday sun cryptic

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