Daniela, let's think lateral here. If this person does not "lie in" then the opposite might apply to the rest of the name. And why is he/she late today? Maybe had a sex change!
I'm a "he"! I was up at 6.45 as friends coming later; garage had no papers; neighbour gave me Express Mag, then went to get Mail - no crossword section! DVD player kaput, as is vacuum cleaner! Mobile keeps turning itself off & I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer!
PC is older than God, I'm on dial-up, the site is slooooow & the Universe hates me...
Just back from watching the grandson play footers and want to say thanks for the laugh folks. I never thought when i popped that on that i would get such a response. Good to know you have humour as well as brains.
Have a good day all, and king.