e,g as follows - change one letter to make words of same or similar meaning UNKIND =( unwind ) RELAY =( relax ) RENT =(rest ) BASE =( ease ) LOAD =( loaf ) STOLE = ( -----) , MOTEL = (-----)HORSE = (-----) RESIGN = (------) POSH = (---- ) Thank you for any replies Q
I took it to be an initial set of 5 words, per the example, where you change 1 letter within each word to come up with 5 new words of a similar meaning (I think)
hi pbeach yes, didn't think of it that way. If the only word obtainable from resign is design then I think the words we've come up with are O.K. Hopefully, Quizmaster thinks the same:o)
Thanks to you all for the replies it took me a time before I twigged on to the example given .I did come up with style, model, design & pose but could'nt think of the horse only house but never thought of fashion house sounds very good to me
Thank you all for your help